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10 Comic Book Endings That Just Gave Up

Telling a story is like pulling a heist and as any supervillain will tell you: there are plenty of reasons why you might give up mid-plot. Maybe you can't find the wi-fi password for the quantum accelerator. Maybe there's a tell-tale sonic boom, accompanied by a big blue blur—or worse, a large bat lurking among the clouds. Or your best pal decided to "try a new direction."

RELATED: Marvel Comic's 10 Best Evil Villain Plots Of The Last Decade

Comics can be that way, too. Consider these examples

10 Horsepower Hacks To Keep Your Drive Eco-Friendly

Even putting one foot in front of the other requires energy. So, in a world where everyone has somewhere else to be — and wants to get there as fast as possible — how can mass, sustainable transportation ever happen? The good news? New technologies are in development — some of them already deployed — to make all our planes, trains, and automobiles environmentally friendly sometime in the future. In the meantime, there are also steps we can take right now to minimize our impact on the planet.


Design Trends in a Post-Pandemic World

If you want to know how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted home design, take a seat. Since panic over possible toilet paper shortages erupted in March, sales of bidet attachments have skyrocketed — increasing more than 300 percent at San Francisco-based Brondell, the Los Angeles Times reported. And home experts foresee built-in bidets becoming an increasingly popular item even after the crisis has passed. What other design trends are likely to emerge in a post-pandemic world? Here are five th

Eco-Friendly Hi-Tech Every Household Should Have

For many people, being eco-friendly means powering down and pulling the plug. After all, our modern tech world notoriously consumes massive amounts of water and resources to power and cool its digital infrastructure. (Never mind the toxic materials mined to produce our devices.) But hi-tech also has an upside — reducing energy consumption while nudging the planet toward a more sustainable future. How so? Consider adding any of these gadgets to your home.

Depressing thought: More than eight mill

Greenify Your Outdoor Space with These Landscaping Upgrades

Home improvement doesn’t stop inside the four walls of your house. So even if you’re someone who dreads yard work — and was born without a single green thumb — you can still make a few painless eco-friendly upgrades to your outdoor space. After all, in addition to helping nurture local plant and animal life, it will boost your property value. Here are nine upgrades to make your landscaping eco-friendly beyond the usual trimming, digging, raking, and mowing. Thanks to heightened curb appeal and l

Home Tips: DIY Grooming

Living in a lockdown can expose a lot – including your roots. So it’s no surprise that a month into the coronavirus pandemic, grooming gear is being snapped up with an urgency usually reserved for toilet paper and sanitizing wipes. According to Nielsen data, hair clipper sales have shot up 166 percent from this time last year while hair dye sales have increased 23 percent. With salons shuttered and Americans becoming do-it-yourself stylists faced with unkempt hair, chipped nails and scruffy stub

How To Green Your Getaway: Tips For This Summer Vacation Season

Traveling can be exhausting – especially for the planet. Hotel housekeeping devours water and electricity, tour groups trample and pollute, and unless you’re camping in your backyard, even getting to your destination will cough and hack emissions into the ever-warming atmosphere. But after two years of pandemic-induced “staycations,” what’s a pent-up but ecologically conscious traveler to do? With summer vacation season upon us, here are five tips for managing your carbon footprint — wherever yo
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